Forget outdated DEXA scans and ineffective treatments. Discover how cutting-edge science and simple lifestyle changes can actually reverse your bone loss, putting you back in control of your bone health and future.
Discover the 7 root causes of osteoporosis in our free guide. Learn how removing these factors can reverse bone loss naturally. Take control of your bone health! Enter your email for instant access to this life-changing information and start strengthening your bones today!
Number one, I think I found the right instructor for clearing confusion and easing my mind with the wealth of knowledge and resources provided in this course. Debi's calm, thoughtful, unhurried approach and caring personality are keys to building confidence and motivation for me and probably for other participants, as well. As far as key take-aways regarding course content, I think Debi summed them up well In the email with the link to this survey. I am moving slower than most through the content due to my current circumstances. I was concerned about "keeping up" at first, but thanks to Debi's gentle approach and encouragement, I have relaxed and am taking small steps as I remember to "do SOMETHING each and every day" to stabilize, and hopefully, reverse my osteoporosis. I really like Debi's practical, specific suggestions that are easy to fit into my daily life, so perhaps that is a key take-away for me. I enjoy finding ways to include bone strengthening activities with my daily tasks.
Mary M.
After getting my diagnosis, I was freaked out. I had listened to other podcasts and other programs but finding Debi and her program and this podcast has changed my life. The only thing my doctors wanted to do for me was put me on medication. I have met women whose bones are breaking and have no idea what is happening with their bodies. Of course I tell them about the podcast! I feel so confident and good about taking care of myself and it’s all because of Debi. Thank you, thank you thank you.
Review on Apple Podcast
Everything was pretty new, but I think having "access" to you makes all the difference....love the food info too. The resources you have provided have been invaluable!!!
Cathy B.
I just finished listening to your latest podcast. Phenomenal. Thank you for all you do. Yesterday, I walked out of my doctors office once again, with my head spinning. I have had osteoporosis for several years. I am not on medication and unfortunately, I have just incurred a stress fracture in my tibia. (Micro) I always feel like I am a time bomb ready to shatter. I am in my 70’s but my heart feels like 60! I have attended your Thursday online class. After I heal, I am vowing to do more. I am a walker and yoga follower. I am swimming now also. I am so grateful for you and other's who share your philosophy.
Marianne P.
I really enjoyed the group sessions. I thought the information was well presented and easily understandable. I liked the interaction with the other participants in the group discussion. I learned so much information from the sessions and the other participants.
Betty D.
Excellent program....the fact that you actually get to talk to Debi is amazing. No comparison to the "other" program I bought into - this one is so great. Debi is so supportive and knowledgeable. It is SO incredible to have a live person to help me. The journey can get lonely....Loved meeting the other women too, and looking forward to the Community getting up and running!!!Thank you Debi!!!
Susan M.
Debi's "Healthy Gut Healthy Bones" course provides comprehensive, timely, well-organized lessons and resources for those seeking help to deal with osteoporosis or osteopenia. She leads the class with a calm, caring demeanor, with practical suggestions, and she answers questions thoroughly and thoughtfully. She even provides demonstrations to provide a clear vision when helpful. Thank you, Debi, for the time and effort that you put into making this course meaningful and doable.
Carol L.
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