I help women with a diagnosis of Osteopenia or Osteoporosis take control of their bone health naturally and I show them how to identify daily lifestyle habits that contribute to either bone building or bone loss. I have helped hundreds of women rescue their spiraling out of control bone loss, improve their DEXA scan scores and reclaim their best life!
I create online programs, teach weekly classes, and host live group Master Classes to help you create stronger bones, improve your balance giving you a body you can rely on for the rest of your life. I also create personalized health re-building programs for my private clients’ unique needs to get to the root causes of their bone loss and develop a customized plan so they can move forward and improve all aspects of their health, especially their bone health so they can stop feeling fragile and breakable to live a very active lifestyle.
If you are interested in speaking with me about your bone health or want to ask me a question please fill out the form and I will get back to you.
Contact Me
If you want to transform your bone health and have a customized program created just for you, please click on the link below to fill out a form and schedule a free 30-minute Zoom call.