Episode 10: How to Support Your Pelvic Floor with Alyce Adams

Stronger Bones Lifestyle Podcast: Take Control of Your Bone Health

12 Poses vs Osteoporosis Video

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[3:00] Surgery is not your only option

[4:40] Pelvic floor vs pelvic organ prolapse

[10:00] The lifestyle is never off the table

[13:30] Promoting healthy alignment

[18:40] Why Kegal devices are not effective

[23:00] The dangers of excess weight on the pelvic floor

[26:30] Preventing sarcopenia

[28:00] Breathing with the muscle and ancestral diets

[34:40] Breaking up adhesions

[36:00] Trauma and the pelvic floor

[39:40] Addressing urinary incontinence

[45:25] The invention of the “overactive bladder”

[50:00] Addressing prolapse without surgery

[59:00] Educated decisions and maintaining medical empowerment

Alyce Adams on Pelvic Health with Simple Kegel Exercises

Is surgery the only solution? If you feel pressured by your doctor to have surgery to address your pelvic floor prolapse, today’s episode will help you determine if that is the right path for you. Our guest is Alyce Adams, a registered nurse changing women’s lives and pelvic health with simple kegel exercises. As a nurse, she understands the muscular makeup of the pelvic floor. Her program is device free and takes only a minute a day!

Sometimes surgery is unavoidable, but it never negates the need for a healthy lifestyle. Alyce describes how your weight, your breathing, and your diet all affect the pelvic floor. The body is interconnected and therefore cannot be isolated into individual parts, Alyce teaches you how to make choices that support the longevity of your pelvic health instead of actively degrading it.

The conventional medical system is set up to give authority to doctors and actively disempowers women in their ability to question and make informed decisions for their health. Alyce arms you with the vocabulary and questions to maintain your medical power. Education is the first step in making informed decisions about your health. If you are ready to reclaim your power, tune in to this episode of The Stronger Bones Lifestyle!

Listen to more episodes on Bone Health and Osteoporosis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The bladder, uterus, and rectum are among the organs in the pelvis that are supported by the pelvic floor, which is made up of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues. It extends between the tailbone at the rear and the pubic bone in the front of the pelvis.

The rectum, vagina, and urethra openings are regulated by the pelvic floor muscles, which are also involved in supporting sexual function and preserving continence. They aid in maintaining proper posture as well as supporting the pelvis and lower back.

Kegel devices, which are tools made to help with pelvic floor muscle workouts, may or may not be beneficial for different people.

One problem with kegel devices is that they might not be as beneficial as specific pelvic floor exercises done without a device. These exercises can be performed without any equipment and include deliberately contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles.

Kegel devices can also not be appropriate for people with severe pelvic floor muscle dysfunction or weakness. In these circumstances, a medical professional could advise more focused interventions, including biofeedback or pelvic floor physical therapy, to assist in enhancing muscle function.

Extra weight on the pelvic floor can be harmful because it can place increased pressure on the muscles and tissues that support the organs in the pelvis. This pressure can cause these muscles to weaken and become less effective at controlling the openings of the urethra, vagina, and rectum, which can lead to issues such as urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and bowel dysfunction.

Also, being overweight can result in various health conditions that aggravate pelvic floor difficulties. For instance, obesity has been associated with a higher incidence of urine incontinence and is a risk factor for diseases including diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which can have an impact on general health and raise the possibility of problems.

Sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass and function, can be prevented or slowed down by altering one’s lifestyle and receiving medical treatment. The following tactics can be useful in preventing sarcopenia:

  1. Regular exercise can help you gain and maintain muscle mass. Resistance training methods include weightlifting and using resistance bands. Walking or cycling are examples of aerobic exercises that might enhance muscle function.
  2. Consume enough protein because it is necessary for repairing and constructing muscular tissue. Strive for a diet strong in lean protein, such as that found in foods like chicken, fish, beans, and almonds.
  3. Remain hydrated: Muscle health depends on adequate hydration because it aids in the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles.

Urinary incontinence is a common condition mainly affecting women and older people. The following are some methods for treating urine incontinence:

  1. Exercises for the pelvic floor: Kegel exercises for the pelvic floor might help strengthen the muscles that regulate urination. On appropriate technique and frequency, a healthcare professional or physical therapist might offer advice.
  2. Altering your way of living can help lower your risk of developing urine incontinence. They could involve eating healthily, abstaining from bladder irritants like caffeine and alcohol, and drinking enough of water.
  3. Bladder training: In order to enhance bladder capacity and decrease frequency of urine, bladder training is gradually lengthening the intervals between trips to the restroom.

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