Episode 16: Stronger Bones For Life with Dr. Susan Brown and the Importance of pH Balance

Stronger Bones Lifestyle Podcast: Take Control of Your Bone Health


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[2:48] Her work with bone health and osteoporosis
[6:16] Bones as a bank
[7:05] A whole industry cultivating fear in women
[10:04] The beginning of Dexa
[15:24] Learning about bone strength
[16:18] Why you need strong feet and balance centers
[18:49] The importance of feeling at ease
[19:58] How women can support the internal balance
[21:21] pH balance
[23:19] How your poor diet effects bone health
[25: 43] Am I building and dissolving
[28:32] Benefits of alkaline diet
[29:27] Can’t I just get it all from food?
[35:03] We only know what we know
[35:19] Four musketeers of bone health
[35:55] Importance of magnesium
[48:37] The upper body and the front part of the spine
[49:47] Start with the jaw
[56:37] Six step program
[58:44] Stress

Dr Susan Brown on the Importance of pH Balance

Do you know the importance of internal balance? Today on the Stronger Bones Lifestyle Podcast we talk with Dr. Susan Brown about the importance of pH balance and what women can do to support it. Susan E. Brown, PhD, is a medical anthropologist, a New York State Certified Nutritionist, and the author of Better Bones, Better Body — the first comprehensive look at natural bone health.

Did you know that every action you take each day…

Everything you eat…

And even the things you THINK…

Can dissolve OR build your bones?

The key is identifying exactly which actions build stronger, healthier bones for YOU.

You can think of your bones like a bank…

There are certain things that “take money out”…

And others that “deposit” and “compound” to create fracture-resistant bones!

And in our brand new Stronger Bones episode, we talk about the importance of your pH levels.

We also discuss:

  • Why we can’t just get everything we need from food (and how to overcome this)
  • The #1 most overlooked mineral for osteoporosis (it’s NOT calcium OR vitamin D!)
  • How what you think has a direct impact on bone health
  • What pH balance really means for your internal environment (and how it affects your whole skeleton!)
  • How to tell if you’re “building” or “dissolving” your bones

Listen to more episodes on Bone Health and Osteoporosis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

pH balance refers to the equilibrium between acidity and alkalinity in the body. Maintaining the proper pH balance is essential for the optimal functioning of bodily systems and processes.
The ideal pH range for the body is slightly alkaline, typically between 7.35 and 7.45. This range ensures the proper functioning of enzymes, cells, and organs.
pH imbalance can disrupt normal bodily functions and contribute to various health issues. Acidic imbalances can lead to inflammation, weakened immune function, and increased disease vulnerability. Alkaline imbalances can cause metabolic disorders and electrolyte imbalances.
pH imbalance can result from several factors, including poor diet, stress, dehydration, exposure to toxins, certain medications, and underlying health conditions.
Diet plays a significant role in maintaining pH balance. Consuming excessive amounts of acidic foods, such as processed meats, refined sugars, and caffeine, can contribute to acidity. Conversely, a diet rich in alkaline foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can support a more balanced pH level.
Yes, pH imbalance can impact digestion and gut health. The digestive system relies on a delicate pH balance to break down food and absorb nutrients efficiently. Imbalances can disrupt this process, leading to issues like acid reflux, indigestion, and an altered gut microbiome.
Routine pH monitoring is not necessary for most individuals. The body has natural regulatory mechanisms to maintain pH balance. However, if you have specific health concerns or conditions related to pH imbalance, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for appropriate monitoring and guidance.

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