In 2014 I saw a course on Yoga for Osteoporosis taught by Dr Loren Fishman and Ellen Saltonstall. At the time I was teaching yoga through a hospital in Southern California and most of my students were 50 plus and many had clinical conditions and osteoporosis was among them. Teaching a safe asana class was very important to me so I decided to take this course to learn more about osteoporosis. I was amazed at the statistics- that 55% of the people over age 50 have some bone density loss and that 1 in 2 woman and 1 in 4 men will have a fracture from a fall in their lifetime! I began to incorporate the poses and information that I learned during this time into all of my classes. I saw a demand and created a few Yoga for Osteoporosis classes that were dedicated to the poses and guidance that I learned in my studies. I began to empower my students to incorporate what I taught them in class into their lives off the mat. The testimonials I have received over the years are so powerful and validate to me that I have found my calling.
Dr Loren Fishman is a well respected physician with many peer reviewed articles, various books and he heads up Manhattan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in NYC. He created a pilot study to prove the benefits that yoga can have on improving bone density and so many other factors that become important for fracture prevention. Dr Fishman says, “There isn’t a pill I can push across my desk that will have all the benefits that yoga has for osteoporosis.” He chose 12 poses that stimulate bones the areas most prone to fracture as well as strengthen the muscles that help support posture and balance. Since mid early 2000 he has logged over 100,000 hours of practice time by the participants in this study and has seen a significant bone density increase on their DEXA scan, especially in the spine and pelvis. He is a pioneer in the field of Osteoporosis and in 2016 began to certify instructors to teach his methods and participate as a teacher in further research on yoga for osteoporosis.
Since early 2014 I have been teaching Yoga for Osteoporosis to hundreds of students and private clients observing their bodies get stronger, more balanced through asana (yoga poses) and their minds more confident in their ability to have an affect on their bone density, strength, quality and overall wellbeing.
In February of 2017 Dr Fishman and Ellen Saltonstall certified me to teach this method of Yoga for Osteoporosis. I had been teaching a few classes a week, including a chair class with an emphasis on balance and bone strengthening, and working privately with clients to teach them how to keep their body, bones and mind strong as they age. Each year I see more interest and the desire to practice yoga for better balance, help strengthen bones and increase the bone quality. The cherry on top is all the other amazing aspects of yoga, especially for the mind with the ability to manage our stress and reactivity to life.
If you would like to learn more contact me at [email protected]