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Discovering Health

I became a Health Coach because I want to help people find functional and thriving health at any age! I love learning and keeping up with the latest information out there to help us live a happy and healthy life. I found a great program to become certified in that uses functional labs to help uncover physiological and biochemical imbalances in the body. When we have this information we can begin to remove, repair and rebuild our body from the inside out. I am a Yoga Therapist and I felt that Health Coaching could be another great layer to add to my healing repertoire.

I was in the best shape of my life in my early 30’s. I ate well and exercised daily to keep my body strong and lean. I had 3 small children and was active in my community but I always made time for myself to eat well, practice yoga, play tennis and spend quality time with family and friends.

I could feel a shift in my health and energy levels as I entered my 40’s and eventually around age 47 I felt like I was walking through quicksand. I was in perimenopause, my hormones were diminishing and I felt sad, fat and miserable. I grasped at straws looking for a way to deal with menopause naturally. I tried so many programs and couldn’t get to a place where I felt better.

Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine was emerging and I started to follow that path. I found Dr. Sara Gottfried a Harvard MD who was helping women with hormone issues through diet and lifestyle changes. I participated in a Hormone Cleanse with her and lost weight and felt great. I then took her course on How to Teach the Hormone Cure and learned so much during that process.   Around the same time I found a company called Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN), which runs functional labs, to help uncover internal stress in the body and I thought that was so amazing to learn this valuable information. I decided to become certified in this methodology to heal myself and help others balance their hormones and gain better health.

I ran a few labs on myself and began the suggested protocols. I changed my diet, added supplements to fill in the gaps of nutrients that I needed, exercised appropriately, practice stress reduction and noticed changes pretty quickly. The fog was lifting and I even went back to a regular menstrual cycle, which meant my hormones were getting back in balance.  I felt great and was so happy!

I had a little detour over the next few years with a hip injury and as it became worse and I had to focus my energy and attention on my physical body. Over the next few years, I ended up having a few surgeries and eventually a total hip replacement. Once I repaired my hip I could then get back to focusing on my internal environment and get back to thriving health.

I ran 6 functional labs on myself and found a pathogen and a distressed gut. I had leaky gut and needed to work on repairing and supporting my mucosal layer as well as many other systems in my body. The body is always trying to repair and heal itself and if we remove obstacles and add support then it is quick to get on the path to thriving health. In two months I eradicated the pathogen, lost 13 pounds and my symptoms disappeared. My main goal at first was to work on the digestive system and bring my microbiome back in balance and along the way, the other symptoms and issues internally began to improve as well. This system of uncovering issues then implementing lifestyle and behavioral changes works!


In Yoga Therapy we use the sister science of Ayurveda to help heal the body and one of the first areas we focus on is the digestive system. We work to balance the person by increasing their digestive power, known as agni, and support this with raised awareness, dietary and lifestyle changes.

As a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P)

I will work with you to help you uncover your blocks to functional and thriving health then provide you with knowledge, guidance and support to get you to a happy healthy place. I offer a 15-20 minute conversation to see if we are a good fit for each other and if I can help you with your health needs.