Rate & Review on Your Favorite Podcast Network by Clicking One of the Icons Below

In most cases you'll need to click the icon and follow
the instructions below on your phone or tablet

Apple Podcast

  1. You’ll need to be using your phone or tablet and have the Apple Podcast app installed.
  2. Click on the Apple Podcast icon at the top of this page or on any of the Stronger Bones Lifestyle Podcast pages on this site.
  3. Once on the main Stronger Bones Lifestyle page – also called the Show Page – inside of the Apple Podcast App, scroll down past the first 5-10 episode listings until you see the Ratings & Reviews section.
  4. Click on the stars to leave a rating (if you enjoy the podcast we would appreciate a 5 star review!).
  5. Click on ‘Write a Review’ to leave a review.
  6. If you are already listening to a podcast on an episode page, you’ll need to go the main show page.  You can do this by choosing the 3 dot menu on the top right of the screen and select ‘Go to Show.

NOTE: It is also helpful to us if you can FOLLOW the show.  This has the added benefit of sending you alerts each time a new episode is released.  To follow, click on the 3 dot menu at the top of the Show Page and choose Follow Show.


  1. You’ll need to be using your phone or tablet and have the Spotify app installed.
  2. Click on the Spotify icon at the top of this page or on any of the Stronger Bones Lifestyle Podcast pages on this site.
  3. Once on the main Stronger Bones Lifestyle page – also called the Show Page – inside of the Spotify Podcast App, click on the 3 dot menu near the top next to the bell and gear icons.
  4. Click Rate show.  We would appreciate it if you also choose Follow which will send you alerts when new episodes are released.