Episode 72: Empowering Women with Dr. Bahar Amin: Hormones, Perimenopause and Bone Health 

Stronger Bones Lifestyle Podcast: Take Control of Your Bone Health

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[1:28] Perimenopause and bone loss
[3:16] When does perimenopause start
[4:47] Early symptoms
[6:23] Root causes of symptoms
[8:30] Managing the symptoms
[10:31] Cortisol
[11:19] Functional labs to run and what she finds in them
[13:09] Metabolites
[14:59] Hormones – prescribing, misinformation, and when to take them
[24:20] Her recommendations
[25:13] Diet
[26:38] Food sensitivities and foods to avoid inflammation
[29:43] Nutrients

Hormone Awareness: A Critical Factor in Optimizing Women's Health

Welcome back to the Stronger Bones Lifestyle Podcast. In Episode 72, host Debi Robinson welcomes Dr. Bahar Amin, a a board certified functional anti-aging, metabolic regenerative, and family doctor, to discuss the importance of hormone awareness and management for women’s health, particularly during perimenopause.

As a  conventionally trained physician who takes a holistic and integrative approach in managing patient health, Dr. Bahar shares her passion for empowering women with knowledge about the hormonal changes, imbalances, and symptoms experienced during perimenopause. She emphasizes the need to address root causes rather than relying solely on medications to treat symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, weight gain, and sleep problems.

Throughout the episode, Debi and Dr. Bahar delve into the role of hormones in bone health, discussing the benefits of bio-identical hormone therapy in preventing osteoporosis. They also highlight the importance of functional labs to assess hormones, stress levels, and overall health during perimenopause. Dr. Bahar shares her signature program for menopausal women, which focuses on personalized support, functional tests, and supplements to address individual needs.

Join Debi and Dr. Bahar as they shed light on the misconceptions surrounding hormone replacement therapy and emphasize the significance of lifestyle factors, such as stress management, diet, and sleep, in conjunction with hormone therapy for optimal health during perimenopause and beyond.

"It's not jut replacing the hormones but making sure the body is breaking it down and getting rid of the excess." [13:53]

"And hormones are critical to bone health." [16:29]

"Hormones are very important and the sooner we start the better outcome with presentation of osteoporosis." [17:35]

"Hormones can really be empowering for women in addition to the right lifestyle." [32:18]

Listen to more episodes on Bone Health and Osteoporosis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Oxalates, also known as oxalic acid, are naturally occurring compounds found in many plants, vegetables, and fruits. They are part of a plant’s defense mechanism against predators and can be found in high concentrations in foods like spinach, rhubarb, beets, nuts, chocolate, tea, and certain beans.

Regarding bone health, oxalates can bind to minerals such as calcium in the gut, forming calcium oxalate. This compound is not easily absorbed by the body, meaning the calcium that could have been utilized for bone strengthening is instead excreted. This process can potentially lead to lower calcium availability for bone health, which can be particularly concerning for individuals at risk of osteoporosis or other bone-related issues.

However, for most women, dietary oxalates do not pose a significant threat to bone health, especially if their diet is balanced with enough calcium and they do not have a history of kidney stones.

Your gut is crucial for stronger bones for several reasons:

  1. Nutrient Absorption: The gut is where most nutrient absorption occurs. For bones to be healthy and strong, they need a variety of nutrients, particularly calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D. A healthy gut efficiently absorbs these essential nutrients from your diet and facilitates their transportation to the bones.
  2. Gut Microbiome and Bone Health: Research has shown that the gut microbiome (the community of bacteria living in your intestines) can influence bone density. Certain gut bacteria help in producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate, which have been shown to promote bone health. SCFAs can enhance the absorption of minerals necessary for bone strength and play a role in reducing inflammation, which can negatively affect bone health.
  3. Hormone Regulation: The gut helps regulate hormones that are involved in bone metabolism, including insulin, thyroid hormones, and sex hormones like estrogen. For example, estrogen is vital for bone density, and gut health can influence estrogen levels through the enterohepatic circulation, where estrogens are processed in the liver and intestines.
  4. Reducing Inflammation: Chronic inflammation, which can stem from poor gut health, is linked to many conditions that compromise bone strength, such as osteoporosis. A healthy gut helps to reduce systemic inflammation, protecting bones from inflammatory damage.
  5. Immune System Modulation: The majority of the immune system is located in the gut. An imbalance in the immune system can lead to autoimmune conditions, some of which affect the bones. Maintaining gut health helps to ensure the immune system works correctly, protecting against autoimmune reactions that could impact bone health.

In essence, maintaining a healthy gut contributes significantly to stronger bones by ensuring the effective absorption of vital nutrients, regulating hormones, reducing inflammation, and supporting a healthy immune system. Therefore, a diet rich in bone-healthy nutrients, prebiotics, and probiotics, along with lifestyle factors that promote gut health, is key to maintaining strong bones.

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